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#PhotoTip #1: Photos Choking Your Phone?

#PhotoTip #1: Photos Choking Your Phone?

Cloud That Mess for Some Daylight!

in 1, 2, 3 APPS

The problem is simple, and everywhere: it's so easy to take photos now, you take hundreds, and then thousands. For a while, it's all peachy... and then your phone is full. You can spend hours getting them transferred to your desktop or laptop and then deleting them from your phone, until next time, or spend days and weeks occasionally trying to go through them to delete some and make room for new ones, again and again.

Or, you can let go of all that and let the Machine deal with it. There are many new ways to automate photo backup, search, retrieval, and sharing. I thought I'd share my particular solution here - it boils down to 3 apps (which are just front ends for services): Dropbox, Google Photos, and Carousel.

Who manages their photos?! Let the Cloud take over, and relish unprecedented Search.

Now that they're set up, I don't fuss with storage limits, I just focus on the pics.

1. Dropbox

Dropbox automatically backs up the photos on your phone, in original resolution, to the Cloud and your desktop as soon as you reconnect to wi-fi. (I have an Android. I think Dropbox will do the same with photos from your iPhone, but only when you connect it via USB, not wi-fi.)

Get Dropbox for:

2. Google Photos

The new Google Photos app also backs up any new photos from my phone, and from any other source (laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.) where I've installed and authorized it. If you choose 'hi-res but not original' for your photo backups, it's unlimited and free.

But the main reason to use gPhotos is mind-bending Search — based on faces, places, and keywords like 'beach,' 'pizza,' 'yellow,' etc. — and ease of navigation, across time. Zoom out to see the whole year, or zoom down to the month, day, or event. And the social sharing is much easier and more flexible than it used to be!

Get Google Photos for:

3. Carousel

Carousel, by Dropbox, allows you to surf quickly — on your smartphone — across thousands of photos, through weeks, months, and years. But next to the new gPhotos, Carousel now looks funky. 

HOWEVER, it has one absolutely brilliant feature: it will automatically offer to remove older photos from your phone once it starts filling up, and it will only delete the photos that are already backed up in Dropbox. I recently freed up 8 GB of space on my phone that way.

Get Carousel for:

In Conclusion

Dropbox + gPhotos + Carousel = Endless photos

All backed up and always available and searchable, from anywhere on the Internet, without ever again worrying about a full phone, or hassling with photo transfers.

Plus, the Search in gPhotos will blow. your. mind.

#phototip #photos #mobile #apps #cloud #autobackup
