about infoDESIGN
about infoDESIGN
No matter how much important information you have, if it’s hard to find and navigate, it’s useless. We work with you to identify the heart of your message and make it easy to understand and delightful to explore.
Whether in technical documentation or on an advocacy website, in a book about political philosophy or in images, our approach to the user experience (UX) involves finding ways to shorten the user’s path to success (decreasing the number of touchpoints), and making the path there rewarding and flexible. We understand that a lot of information is, by its nature, complex, and that’s why it’s all the more important to design a navigable and enjoyable experience for the audience you hope to capture. See how our work reflects these values.
We draw on decades of professional experience communicating in all media, across technical domains and human topics, for many different audiences. From UNIX internals to Cloud-based APIs, from philosophy to social causes — if it’s important information, your audience needs to find it. We’ll help you make it navigable, digestible, and delightful, to transform your information into your audience’s knowledge.
Check out some of our past projects and clients.
Bart is a dance dad, husband, editor, writer, and sax player with twin passions for communication and design. He also loves photography.
Write to him at bart@infoDESIGN.io, or follow him on your favorite social networks: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify ♫